Promotion of Access to Information Act

Prepared in terms of section 51 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (as amended)

1.1) “CEO” Chief Executive Officer

1.2) “DIO” Deputy Information Officer;

1.3) “IO“ Information Officer;

1.4) “Minister” Minister of Justice and Correctional Services;

1.5) “PAIA” Promotion of Access to Information Act No. 2 of 2000( as Amended);

1.6) “POPIA” Protection of Personal Information Act No.4 of 2013;

1.7) “Regulator” Information Regulator; and

1.8) “Republic” Republic of South Africa

This PAIA Manual is useful for the public to-

2.1 check the categories of records held by a body which are available without a person having to submit a formal PAIA request;

2.2 have a sufficient understanding of how to make a request for access to a record of the body, by providing a description of the subjects on which the body holds records and the categories of records held on each subject;

2.3 know the description of the records of the body which are available in accordance with any other legislation;

2.4 access all the relevant contact details of the Information Officer and Deputy Information Officer who will assist the public with the records they intend to access;

2.5 know the description of the guide on how to use PAIA, as updated by the Regulator and how to obtain access to it;

2.6 know if the body will process personal information, the purpose of processing of personal information and the description of the categories of data subjects and of the information or categories of information relating thereto;

2.7 know the description of the categories of data subjects and of the information or categories of information relating thereto;

2.8 know the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal information may be supplied;

2.9 know if the body has planned to transfer or process personal information outside the Republic of South Africa and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal information may be supplied; and

2.10 know whether the body has appropriate security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal information which is to be processed.

3.1) Chief Information Officer

Name: Bheki Ndabandaba

Email: [email protected]

3.2) Deputy Information Officer

Name: Sandiso Thwala

Email: [email protected]

3.3) Access to information general contacts

Email: [email protected]

3.4) National or Head Office

Postal Address: Country Club Estate – Building 2, 21 Woodlands Drive,

Woodmead, Johannesburg, 2052

Physical Address: Country Club Estate – Building 2, 21 Woodlands Drive,

Woodmead, Johannesburg, 2052

Email: [email protected]


4.1.) The Regulator has, in terms of section 10(1) of PAIA, as amended, updated and made available the revised Guide on how to use PAIA (“Guide”), in an easily comprehensible form and manner, as may reasonably be required by a person who wishes to exercise any right contemplated in PAIA and POPIA.

4.2.) The Guide is available in each of the official languages and in braille.

4.3.) The aforesaid Guide contains the description of-
4.3.1.) the objects of PAIA and POPIA;

4.3.2.) the postal and street address, phone and fax number and, if available, electronic mail address of- the Information Officer of every public body, and every Deputy Information Officer of every public and private body designated in terms of section 17(1) of PAIA and section 56 of POPIA;

4.3.3.) the manner and form of a request for- access to a record of a public body contemplated in section 11; and access to a record of a private body contemplated in section 50;

4.3.4.) the assistance available from the IO of a public body in terms of PAIA and POPIA;

4.3.5.) the assistance available from the Regulator in terms of PAIA and POPIA;

4.3.6.) all remedies in law available regarding an act or failure to act in respect of a right or duty conferred or imposed by PAIA and POPIA, including the manner of lodging- an internal appeal; a complaint to the Regulator; and an application with a court against a decision by the information officer of a public body, a decision on internal appeal or a decision by the Regulator or a decision of the head of a private body;

4.3.7.) the provisions of sections 14 and 51 requiring a public body and private body, respectively, to compile a manual, and how to obtain access to a manual;
4.3.8.) the provisions of sections 15 and 52 providing for the voluntary disclosure of categories of records by a public body and private body, respectively;
4.3.9.) the notices issued in terms of sections 22 and 54 regarding fees to be paid in relation to requests for access; and
4.3.10.) the regulations made in terms of section 92

4.4.) Members of the public can inspect or make copies of the Guide from the offices of the public and private bodies, including the office of the Regulator, during normal working hours.

4.5.) The Guide can also be obtained-

4.5.1.) upon request to the Information Officer;
4.5.2.) from the website of the Regulator (

4.6) A copy of the Guide is also available in the following official languages, for public inspection during normal office hours-

4.6.1) English;
4.6.2) Afrikaans; and
4.6.3) Sesotho.

Records of a public nature, typically those disclosed on the website and in its various reports, including marketing brochures, advertising material and other public communications, may be accessed without the need to submit a formal application.

Subscribed users will be able to view archived transactions on their profile, but some records may be archived. Account information or personal records of subscribed users or any records provided by the subscribed user, which may include, but not be limited to transactional records.

Records held by Dytabank in accordance with legislation are set out below:
• Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997
• Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act 53 of 2003
• Companies Act 71 of 2008
• Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993
• Competition Act 89 of 1998
• Constitution of South Africa Act 108 of 1996
• Copyright Act 98 of 1987
• Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964
• Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 2 of 2000
• Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998
• Income Tax Act58 of 1962
• Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act, No 38 of 1997
• Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995
• Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993
• Prescription Act 18 of 1943
• Prevention & Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004
• Prevention of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist & Related Activities Act 33 of 2004
• Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998
• Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000
• Protected Disclosures Act 26 of 2000
• Promotion of Access to Information Act, No 2 of 2000
• Protection of Personal Information Act, No. 4 of 2013
• Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication Related Information Act 70 of 2002
• Skills Development Act 97 of 1997
• Skills Development Levies Act 9 of 1999
• Trade Marks act 194 of 1993
• Unemployment Insurance Act 63 of 2001
• Unemployment Insurance Fund Contributions Act 4 of 2002
• Value-Added Tax Act 89 of 1991

Subjects of records Name od documnet records
Statutory Company Records Company structure documents
Memorandum of Incorporation & related documents
Statutory returns
Shareholders agreements
Registers of directors, shareholders, resolutions and other statutory registers
Minutes of meetings of the board of directors and shareholders
Proxy forms
Written resolutions
Records relating to appointment of company directors, auditors, secretary, public officers, and/or other officers
Trademark, trade name and domain name registrations
Other statutory records
Strategic Documents, Plans, Proposals Annual Reports
Strategic Plans
Annual Performance Plans
Human Resources HR policies and procedures
Advertised posts
Employee information
Personal records provided by employees
Records regarding employees provided by third parties
Conditions of employment and other employment contracts
Employment equity plan and reports
Medical scheme records
Pension/provident fund records
Salary records
Leave records and absence management records
Internal evaluations and performance records
Training records
Financial Records Accounting records, annual financial reports and annual financial statements
Asset registers
Bank accounts, bank statements and banking records
Financial agreements
Creditors and debtors invoices and statements
Rental agreements
Purchase orders
Insurance policies
Finance policies and procedures
Income Tax Records PAYE records
Documents issued to employees for income tax purpose
Tax returns
VAT records
Records of payment made to SARS on behalf of employees
Regional services levies
Skills development levies
Workmen’s compensation
Subscriber User Records Records provided by a customer directly to Dytabank, including:
• records provided by a customer to a third party acting for or on behalf of Dytabank;
• records provided by a third party; and
• records generated by or within Dytabank relating to its customers, including transactional records.
Personal records of subscribed users
Credit records or other research conducted by Dytabank
Personal and customer information collected through websites
Information on customer activities and preferences
Any records provided by a customer to the company
Confidential records of customers
Records generated by or within Dytabank pertaining to customers.
This may include, but not be limited to transactional records.
Operational records
Information technology records
Marketing records
Internal and external correspondence
Product records
Statutory records
Internal policies and procedures
Supervisory body-related records
Internal audit and risk management records
Securities and equities
Records held by officials of the group

8.1) Purpose of Processing Personal Information is a patented secure data exchange platform. Users store their information on the platform and they can share this information with any company at a price that the user sets.Subscribers will send you an offer for your personal data and you will decide if you wish to provide that subscriber your data. The platform is 100% POPIA compliant and general data protection regulations(GDPR).

8.2) Description of the categories of Data Subjects and of the information or categories of information relating theretofa-border

Categories of Data Subjects Categories of Data Subjects Personal Information that may be processed
Customers / Clients Customers / Clients name, address, registration numbers or identity numbers, employment status and bank details
Service Providers Service Providers names, registration number, vat numbers, address, trade secrets and banking details
Employees address, qualifications, gender and race
8.3) The recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal information may be supplied

Category of personal information Recipients or Categories of Recipients to whom the personal information may be supplied
Identity number and names, for criminal checks South African Police Services
Qualifications, for qualification verifications South African Qualifications Authority
Personal information which seller has consented to sell to the buyer, such as details about seller’s Identification, Contact, Education, Employment, Income, Expense, Liabilities, Assets, Insurance Claims History, Dependents, Health History, Social Media, Pricing, and Sales Buyers of Seller's personal information
Identity of Buyers, Pricing, Contact and Product quote information. Sellers of personal information
All personal information stored by website, including Seller and Buyer information. AWS
Buyers’ banking details Payfasts Payfast

8.3) The recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal information may be supplied
Category of personal information Recipients or Categories of Recipients to whom the personal information may be supplied
Identity number and names, for criminal checks South African Police Services
Qualifications, for qualification verifications South African Qualifications Authority
Credit and payment history, for credit information Credit Bureaus

8.4) Planned transborder flows of personal information

Dytabank has no planned transborder flows of personal information. All personal information currently stored in cloud storage are hosted within the Republic of South Africa. Should Dytabank carry out any cross-border transfers in future, we shall adhere to the provisions of POPIA.

8.5) General description of Information Security Measures to be implemented by the responsible party to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information

8.5.1) We secure the integrity and confidentiality of personal information in its possession or under its control by taking appropriate, reasonable technical and organisational measures to prevent loss of, damage to or unauthorised destruction of Personal Information; and unlawful access to or processing of Personal Information.

8.5.2) We have put in place policies, controls and related processes, which are reviewed and updated on a regular basis, which include: • Ensuring that conduct of all third parties involved in the processing of personal information do so only with the knowledge and express authorisation of the responsible party, treat the personal information as confidential and is governed by written agreements. • Employment of service providers for secure storage, destruction and encryption of records of Personal Information. • Installation of world class protection solutions on our facilities, computers and network that guard against cyber threats and risks. • Employment of various security service providers. • Employment of reporting and remedial solutions Personal Information in case of breaches.

9.1) A copy of the Manual is available-

9.1.1) on (, if any;

9.1.2) head office of the PINCSA (Pty) Ltd for public inspection during normal business hours;

9.1.3) to any person upon request and upon the payment of a reasonable prescribed fee; and

9.1.4) to the Information Regulator upon request.

9.2) A fee for a copy of the Manual, as contemplated in annexure B of the Regulations, shall be payable per each A4-size photocopy made.

The head of a PINCSA (Pty) Ltd will on a regular basis update this manual.